Friday, March 16, 2012

11 Random Things

So my bff Carrie tagged me in this, and I think its just her sneaky way of getting me to blog I said I would do it. Its taken me a (long) while, but I finally have them all!

These are the five rules:
1. Post these rules
2. Post a photo of yourself and 11 random things about you.
3. Answer the questions set for you in the original post.
4. Create 11 new questions and tag people to answer them.
5. Go to their blog/twitter and tell them you've tagged them.

1. I was in the Black Student Union club in high school.
All of my friends at the time were in it and because I was so interested in fundraising and all that and they needed help I joined and helped them out. Lets just say I stood out...

2. I still sleep with a stuffed animal at night.
It has normally fallen on the floor or disappeared in the night but its a total comfort thing. I am trying to rid myself of this, its just so hard!

3. I really do want a relationship with my half sister but she's burned the bridge too many times.

4. One of my all time wants for a pet is for a hedgehog, but I live in one of the few states its illegal to have them.
This makes me sad knowing my parents are moving to a state where they're able to have one but instead they want an armadillo, which are also legal in Florida (and apparently roam free all over the place...).

5. My 2 big toenails don't grow very well so I have acrylic nails on them so they look pretty.

6. I just found out I'm allergic to latex.
My awesome Hello Kitty band-aid totally made me break out in!

7. I wish I had the dedication to have a blog devoted just to fashion and my outfits.
I love love love clothes but I just can't take pictures of myself everyday. And not having internet at home doesn't help...

8.I love cooking and baking for people.
Its so satisfying seeing people enjoy something you've but time and effort in to.

9. I got a personalized license plate for my birthday and now friends want to steal it!
weeee1 will always be mine!

10. I couldn't imagine living anywhere other than here in Arizona!
I love the weather and all the ties I've made here. But I'll have fun visiting my parents in Florida.

11. I eventually would love to travel all around the world.
I want to see what this whole world has to offer.

Questions from Carrie
1. What is the last concert you went to?
I went and saw my other bff Brian's band on Friday night, but for a mainstream artist it would have been DRUGS last month.
2. How many rooms/bathrooms are there in your house and who do you share your home with?
I have three bedrooms and one and a half bathrooms in my house!
3. If you could only listen to three CDs for the rest of your life, which three would you pick?
I don't think I could just pick three! I love too much music and it all has to go with my mood.
4. What is your all-time favorite movie?
This would have to be Clue. I can recite a ton of it and still love watching it!
5. If you could have dinner with one person, living or dead, who would it be?
I think it would be fascinating to have dinner with Zooey Deschannel. She just seems like such a fun person and I really feel like I could learn a ton from her, both about myself and life in general.
6. What is your favorite number? Any particular reason why?
My favorite number is 5. I think its because my birthday is the on the 5th of the month, but I've always liked it.
7. What is your all-time favorite song?
I love WAAAYYYY to many songs to narrow this one down. Some that I always remember are For Always, Forever by Every Avenue, Forever Young by Rod Stewart and Take It To The Limit by The Eagles.
8. Did you participate in any extra-curricular activities in high school?
I was in DECA and March of Dimes and a few other volunteer clubs on campus.
9. What are your favorite pizza toppings?
I love pepperoni and onion... :)
10. What is your favorite retail store to shop in?
I have quite a few because I mainly scour sale racks and find a lot. Lately its been Old Navy (the fit my body shape), Tillys (cute things for pretty cheap), and the the traditionals, Walmart and Target.
11. Where is the coolest place you've ever visited?
I have been VERY blessed to have been some great places in my life so this is very hard to narrow down! I loved seeing Holland with some of my cousins but then I also loved exploring Lanzarote and the volcanoes with my grandparents and aunts. All around, there's too many for me to choose from!